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Importance of Cyber Security
21 Century is purely based on Information Technologies. So, Why and How Cyber security is important is describe into this blog. Please read it and post your comment for more suggestion and help.
Into the digital world of technology, most of the matters are tied with Computer. To grow up into the generation of competition, it require to have a knowledge of the computer. Using computer, many of the services we have to used in our daily routine life and it neccessary to provide security to those services. For example, all the internet user has atleast one email address and each email address require password to protect it. Because of the password, no anonymous user can access others email accounts and data. So, it would be great if we have knowledge about importance of cyber security to understand latest challenges for digital media marketing and digital data.
While any technolgy rise in market, study and analysis of security start on that technology by researcher and security experts for user use those technology with safety of their data and information.
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber security, also called information technology security where it focuses on protecting computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized access, change or destruction.
Why important for organizations or individual?
Governments, corporations, financial institutions, military, hospitals and other businesses are collect, process and store confidential information on computers and transmit that data across networks to other computers. With the growing volume of cyber attacks, continuously attention is required to protect sensitive business and personal information.
A variety of sensitive information is stored within the files of your company such as employee’s Social Security numbers, passwords and passcodes for a variety of functions and information critical to your company’s success. Network security must become paramount within any business or organization in this time.
Hackers are constantly on the alert looking for chunks in the defenses you put up as protection; if your company chooses to forego computer network security, you can severely damage your reputation as a company. Do not take chances any longer on the vulnerability of your network security.
The White House has declared in October National Cyber Security Awareness Month, stating “the cyberthreat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation.”
Please note basic steps if you are not aware about cyber security :
- Keep your computer locked at all times while you’re away from your desk.
- Learn to recognize a phishing email.
- Create strong passwords at work and at home.
- Protect your computer as you would your wallet or purse.
- Report suspicious emails, phone calls or persons in the building.